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Apprenticeship is a two-part employer training program. The employer provides the on-the-job training program and the employee attend Related Instruction Class. OJT for Barbering and Cosmetology is 3000 hours. 
You must first complete the Apprentice Related Instruction before you can complete the apprenticeship program. You can attend in person classes at Kulture Kuts Academy or on your own. All classes are in the evening hours of 6 to 9:30pm. First semester classes are Monday and Wednesday, Second semeste classes are Tuesday and Thursday. 
The Related Instruction is conducted over two terms: February-June and September-January. 
Barbering I
Theory study of the structure and function of the skin, hair and scalp disorders are the focus of the first semeseter along with sanitation, hygiene and professionalism. Hands on classes include providing facial massages, facials, hair cutting, styling and client prep. (One semester - 75 hours) 
Barbering II 
Theory courses are offered in combined laboratory-classroom settings, so students may learn hair care by demonstration, experimentation and with instructor guidance. The curriculum cover topics such as infection control, hygiene, chemical texturing, hair and scalp care, hair coloring, facials, clipper cutting, razor cutting and shear-over-comb. This course prepares student graduates for state licensing board examinations. Prerequisite: Barbering I
( Second semester - 150 hours)
Cosmetology I 
This course gives students the basic understanding of skill required to become cosmetologist. The student will be required to demonstrate an understanding of procedues and methods to complete the following task: manicure/pedicure, facials, body massages, shampooing, rinsing, scalp and hair care, finger waving, hair styling, permanent waving, hair coloring, hair sculpting, makeup, bacteriology, haircutting and sanitation methods.
(One semester - 75 hours)
Cosmetology II
The second half of the cosmetology program provides concepts and skills learned in Cosmetology I. Instruction will also focuse on business management, customer relations, classroom and practical experiences to prepare students for the state board examination. Prerequisite: Cosmetology I (Second semester - 75 hours)
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